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Feedback Revolution: Unleashing the Power of User-Centric Investment with Julia Kruslin

​Luchele sits down with Julia Kruslin, co-founder of beatvest, to discuss the conversation around the 'Feedback Revolution.' Julia is the co-founder of beatvest, an investment app that helps beginn...

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Soda (7)

Coding Freedom: Harnessing the Power of Microservices

The smaller the better in the world of software. Scalable, agile, and deployable at the touch of a button, microservices are a popular approach to modern software development, but what does it invo...

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Untitled Design (32)

Is FoodTech Changing the World?

From synthetic meats to robotic line chefs, the FoodTech space is never short on innovation. Poised to solve some of the world’s oldest and most profound problems, the industry represents a transfo...

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Untitled Design (30)

What Should You Ask Your Recruiter?

A great recruiter does so much more than just fill roles – they’re a trusted career advisor equipped with the tools to help you thrive in the working world. That said, it can to know what to ask th...

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Wid   Website Image

From Mumbai to Dusseldorf: A Female COO's Journey to Championing Diversity of Thought

​In the latest episode of SODA Social, Luchele had the pleasure of interviewing Diya Roychowdhury, COO at Taplasolutions. Diya brings over 14 years of experience in enabling teams and organizations...

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Untitled Design (27)

Net Promoter Score: Defining Our Customer-Centric Approach

​ At Trust in SODA, we pride ourselves on delivering unrivalled customer service. It’s why our Net Promoter Score (NPS) is such a mission-critical metric! You’re only as good as the quality of your...

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