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LGBTQIA+ leaders – Stefania Chaplin from GitLab

​This year we are highlighting LGBTQIA+ global leaders. This week meet the fabulous Stefania Chaplin, solutions architect from GitLab."Over the last five years spoken at over 100 events globally an...

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Episode11 Naturallanguageprocessingandaiwithduyg

Podcast Episode 11 – Natural Language Processing and AI with Duygu Altinok

​Duygu Altinok is a senior NLP (natural language processing) engineer with 12 years of experience in almost all areas of NLP including search engine technology, speech recognition, text analytics a...

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Dev Ops Con Berlin

DevOps con Berlin

​Our very own Lucy Eloise Neal and Antonia Otter delivered a ‘Shifting mindsets and addressing the gender imbalance in DevOps’ panel discussion with Ishita Shukla, Sarah Cordivano and Greta Jocyte....

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Emre Celik Web 44

LGBTQIA+ leaders – Emre Celik from Google

​WHAT DOES PRIDE MEAN TO YOU? "It means Belonging. When we all come together and celebrate and value our differences and similarities as a group. When there is no you and me based on an individual ...

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