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How Important is Your Brand Story in Talent Attraction?

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How Important is Your Brand Story in Talent Attraction?

​Whether you’re running a fresh-faced startup or a multinational corporation, you have a brand story, and it could provide you with an edge as you hunt for tech talent. Storytelling builds personal connections, and a good story is easier to remember than stone-cold facts and figures.

As trust levels in big tech start to decline, now is the perfect time to show the top candidates that you’re different. Here’s why your branding is a vital part of recruitment (and some tips on how to do it better).

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Brands

Word spreads quickly in the talent space. If a candidate hears a horror story about working at your company, you can almost guarantee they’re telling their friends. Good word spreads too, maybe not at the same pace, but it still spreads. Your candidate experience should be seamless, inclusive, accessible, equitable, and personable.

Endless tests and 5-stage interviews are not popular among candidates, and when it’s hard enough to find tech talent in the first place, it’s worth making sure you avoid relying on the never-ending interview. If you need some guidance on how to make your process more attractive to talent, Trust in SODA’s specialist consultants are happy to advise you – reach out to the team here to find out more.

Market Your Team’s Culture

It’s not enough to tell your product story, you need to tell your team’s story too. Say you’re on the lookout for a new software engineer, is it clear to them why they should choose your team over someone else’s?

If you don’t have the luxury of offering a world-class product quite yet, your team’s culture and infrastructure could be the next best thing. Let them know what it’s like to work in your software engineering function specifically – your social media messaging can be extremely helpful in this space.

Your Mission

What makes your brand so compelling? Are you sincerely trying to make a positive impact on the world around you through tech? Showcase what you’ve done so far to achieve your goals, and make sure you don’t lose the human element along the way.

Not only will you have an easier time attracting the right person when you wear your values and mission statement on your sleeve (or rather, job ad), but you’ll be able to position yourself as an action-oriented employer.

Be Different

Difference is beautiful! A brand story can help candidates truly invest in what makes your organisation different. Be a breath of fresh air in a tech world that desperately needs it.

To help you write a better brand story, ask yourself:

1.     Who you are as an organisation?

2.     Who is your audience and what will resonate with them?

3.     Who your competitors are and what do you do differently? Is it your people? Your Culture? Perhaps it’s the tech you’re using.

4.     What kind of benefits do you offer your people?

5.     Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Coping with Adversity

The best brands solve problems, and, in some form or another, they face adversity to do so. Have you overcome conflict to establish your brand? Let your candidate know they can be a part of the solution when they join your company.

If you need any support at all with your hiring process, the Trust in SODA team is here to help. A top recruiter is more than someone who finds talent, they are a trusted advisor that sticks by throughout the entire process, and Trust is our first name. Find out about our hiring solutions here.