We Hosted ‘Damn! That’s Good Data #2’ in Berlin With Scoutbee
On Thursday evening SODA Social flew to Berlin to collaborate with the wonderful team at Scoutbee for the return of our much-anticipated series, ‘Damn! That’s Good Data! #2’ hosted by our very own Suki Sidhu.
The event consisted of multiple presentations from our expert and forward-thinking panel. Ashton Slatev, explored methods to extract the ‘good data’ from a large data set; Tatiana Dembelova, who covered all things Machine Learning, discussed the calibration model as well as confidence scoring and using this to filter out bad predictions. Dr. Peter Massuthe spoke about his work at ArkNight, and his reliance on data to drive traction to art events and exhibitions, he also discussed how this has been impacted by the recent pandemic. Finally, Selma Hadzic explored the gender gap within data, and spoke about how displaying female characters who have an interest in data through the media may be a viable way to encourage young girls to consider a career in technology.
With pizza and drinks in tow, we preceded to conduct a very lively Q&A session, where our audience had the chance to directly ask our panel any burning questions or additional insights.
From all at SODA Social, we’d like to thank Scoutbee, our amazing panel and audience for making this event so special. If you attended the event, please help us help you by letting us know how you felt the night went.
If you missed our event - don’t break a sweat. Damn! That’s Good Data #3 will be returning very soon…