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Women In Devops Keep Your Head In The Clouds

Women in DevOps: keep your head in the clouds

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Women in DevOps: keep your head in the clouds

​Thank you to our community and speakers for coming to celebrate our tenth event last night – keep your head in the clouds!

Our panellists gave inspiring and powerful talks on security and shared what DevOps meant to them through personal experiences and motivation:

Nayana Shetty– Tech Lead (Financial Times)

Susie Coleman– Software Engineer (BBC)

Jermila Paul Dhas– Software Engineer (Financial Times)

Sarah Wells– Technical Director (Financial Times)

Sarah Young – Software Engineer (Unruly)

We felt honoured to be able to organise this and would like to give a huge shout-out to the Financial Times for hosting this event for us, while providing delicious food and a spectacular roof-top area for networking!

Stay tuned as we will be announcing our next event shortly…