Black History Month 2021: proud to be – Dwayne Allen
We interviewed our black colleagues across the UK on what they are ‘proud to be’ to commemorate this year’s, UK Black History Month. At Trust in SODA, which is part of Trinnovo Group, our mission is to build diversity, create inclusion and encourage workplace innovation. As recruiters, we have the ability to inspire change in the workplace and in society, and this is what we do.
We interviewed our Black colleagues across the UK on what they are ‘Proud to Be’ to commemorate this year’s, UK Black History Month.
Dwayne Allen is an Associate Consultant from Trust In SODA. Dwayne is proud to be Black. He is proud because of the food, the diversity, and the culture of the Black community. He is also proud of the resilience that Black people have shown throughout History until the modern-day.