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We Held Our First Soda Social Hackathon In Collaboration With Code Institute

​We held our first SODA Social hackathon in collaboration with Code Institute

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​We held our first SODA Social hackathon in collaboration with Code Institute

Yesterday we reached the finish line of our first-ever hackathon here at Trust in SODA! During this weeklong event, we partnered with the amazing and experienced code Institute and challenged the participants to create an app, website, or solution for the theme, 'Accessibility in the Workplace.'

These applications were then judged by our industry-leading judges including, Alex Gordon Lennox of InfogridVíctor Moreno Alhambra of HER App, and Jessy Halison of Ecosia

Are you curious about who crossed the finish line first? 
Great! Here are our top 3 teams: 

In third place…SPINNING WHEELCHAIRS:a website that lets its users calculate how wide a corridor is, or how wide your wheelchair is. It can be used during the building process to make sure that the corridors are wide enough to fit the wheelchair, or in purchasing a new wheelchair to make sure it fits in the space you are operating in. 

In second place…MORE2OFFER: a recruitment platform that allows its users to fill in a questionnaire documenting their specific needs. The platform then provides you different badges depending on your needs, as well as badges showcasing your soft skills, for potential employees to access. 

And finally, in first place… NOFFLE MY NEEDS: A tool that helps employers create a truly accessible workspace and making sure that people with all different kinds of disabilities feel included and thought of. The employees can use this tool to tick off their ‘noffles’ (restrictions or environments that they won’t be able to work in), and the employer can then use this to make the workspace a better and safer place. 

The teams all showcased innovative, exciting, and progressive ideas with accessibility and inclusion in mind, which is what granted them a place at the podium. However, it was a very tough decision as all the participants did such a great job. 

Massive congratulations to our winners, and well done to everyone participating! 

We had so much fun arranging this with our friends at Code Institute, their current students and alumni’s and will make sure to host another hackathon event very soon! Who will join in the next one? Let us know in the comments below and tag your fellow programmers. 

Visit to find out more about their coding courses.