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How To Design At Scale

How to design at scale – Brian Flanagan – Expedia

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How to design at scale – Brian Flanagan – Expedia

​Our speakers for the evening were Ted speaker, ex-Googler and now product design manager at Facebook Jonah Jones confirmed and global product director Brian Flanagan from Expedia.

Jonah discussed how Facebook build complex tools that work for various different cultures to support the diverse needs of a quarter of the worlds population. Brian's presentation showed insights into Expedia’s approach to product development which leverages collaboration between design, research, technology and analytics and how they apply a test and learn approach and the Scientific Method to our every day lives.

Overall, the event was a success and formulated some interesting discussions as well as the chance to network and learn more about the topic itself. Thank you to all of those who attended and we hope to see you at our next Soda Social!