Download our free white paper, ‘Design Trends 2021.’
We focused on the latest impacts and changes that design is currently facing and touched on how the current pandemic has accelerated us to find new ways of working, such as working from home, and how this will look when entering a post-COVID world.
We focused on the latest impacts and changes that design is currently facing and touched on how the current pandemic has accelerated us to find new ways of working, such a working from home, and how this will look when entering a post-COVID world. We addressed how sustainability matters more than ever during this difficult time, and how social responsibility is key; whether it be working with a local charity, or becoming a mentor, we must make a tangible difference to help influence design.
We’ve underlined the key findings from the discussion:
The pains and gains from working at home
Virtual working has created a better-structured system design
DEI cannot be isolated nor unmeasured
From the environment, mentorship and social awareness: the behavioural changes in design
Be human and have empathy